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Hi! I am Maya and I'm from Romania. I want to do much more friends and other countries. xD That's because they know English. I really like Miley but Selena. Comments Please give back.

Comments • 1

helow!!!sunt xDemiiLovat0 si am primit mesj de la admin!!!! 14 July 2011  
Sorry de Mass cui nui convine soartadeci
Nu Vaa mai faceti conturi pe Deget.net pt ca sunphoto revine ori in 110
ore sau chiar in 24 SunPhoto va fii repornit deoarece serveru da semne
bune si Admin lucreaza tot mai repede!Nu plecati si dati massul
Urgeeent!Inca odata Nu va mutatii ramaneti pe SuN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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